Saturday, November 17, 2012

Angel Message

 The angels would like to pass on this message ...

Beloved Ones. You are divine beings - children of God, with the spark of God's energy in each of your hearts. As you attune to the energy of love and the angels, you open the portals to greater divine assistance and miracles in your life. This is why this message is important - focus on being heart centered loving beings. If all humanity moves to living this way, the earth will be transformed. Think on this. Notice when you are NOT being a heart centered loving being, towards yourself or others - for example, when you are 'in your head', or caught up in emotions, and re-center yourself again in your heart. Do this is small steps each day, to move you towards being a more loving heart centered being, and you will be amazed at the changes in your life, and how it helps your spiritual development, for the good of you and others and the world.

May your angels love you and guide you, and may you pass this greater love on to others, seeing the benefits for your life. Together, let's make this an even more loving world, one person, one day, one loving action at a time. We can all play our part, and the vibrations of a thousand loving actions each day by all of us can reverberate around the world, like a ripple in a pond, touching all of humanity. 

 Darren Linton

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