Saturday, September 17, 2011

Thursday, 1 September, 2011

Beloved one, you are one of the ones who volunteered, a long time ago, to be incarnate at this time, to come ahead of time to pave the way and to be here now for what has been predicted and prophesied to be the great shift in collective consciousness. It is a shift that you have prayed for, that you have tried to envision, and that you have spoken about to the friends, the ones who would listen.
You have often been the masters, the ones who have been acknowledged as the wise woman of the village, the wise monk who knew how to access other dimensions. You have been the one who helped in birthing a new consciousness; not only birthing physical beings, but a new consciousness. And so once again you are here to lead the brothers and sisters into the preparation for the shift in consciousness.
As has been prophesied, in the next twelve to fifteen months of your timing there is going to be much of change, much that will look to you very different. You will look back upon this time and you will wonder, “How could such changes comes about?” As now you look back in the last decade, the last two decades, even four or five decades back, you can see the change in the collective consciousness thinking.
In your timing of the next twelve to fifteen months, there will be as much change happening as has happened in the last five decades. So hold on to your hats, as they say, because there are going to be day-by-day great leaps of understanding. Ones are ready to shed their heaviness. Ones are ready for peace. Ones are ready to know love, to know relationships that are uplifting. They have been calling out for healing. They have been calling out for answers to understand that life does not have to be as hard as the world has suggested to them and as hard as the peers and parents and even friends have said to them, “Well, that’s how life is.”

Now, regarding preparation for the shift: In truth, you have already been doing much preparation. You have been awakening in the mornings and you have been asking to see miracles in the day. You have been asking to know the positive of life and being grateful for what is in your life—all of nature, all of the friends, all of the books, all of the gatherings that you are called to go to. You are finding that you are grateful for everything that happens, even if at first it may seem a little bit strange.
But you find that you know that everything works together—as I have been saying to you for a long, long time—everything works together for the realization of at-One-ment. For truly, there is only One. Everything you perceive is you, because you are bringing it forth. Where does it exist?
Ask of yourself, where does everything truly exist? In your perception, in your mind, what you see. You are projecting what you believe is possible. You are projecting it out, and then you see it as it would be in a mirror coming back to you and you say, “Okay, that must be real, because I see it.” But, in truth, you have the idea first, and you are projecting it out.
So as you have been changing—and you have; in your mornings when you first wake up, throughout your day as you will acknowledge that perhaps you can see things differently—you are changing your perceptions. You are changing your world, the world around you, because you are projecting a different image of what can be.
Try it on for size on the morrow. Say, when you first wake up, “I am going to see miracles in this day. I am going to see happiness, lightness. I am going to see friends who want to be in the same light space.” You will notice as how you hold a certain idea, how things fall into place miraculously, how things just happen to time themselves perfectly, and you say, “Hey, that’s really cool. I like that,”—be aware that very often that which you have asked for comes to you.
Be aware of the little nuances of every day, because there are miracles every day that happen. They have to, because you have set your mind to see miracles, and they come because you expect them. That is the number one ingredient in preparation for this shift: expectancy. “I expect to see miracles in this day. I expect to see Light in this day. I expect to hear laughter and to feel joyful.”

Keep your expectancies positive, and that is what you will find in the day. Expectations, expectancy. That which you expect is what you are going to see. It is going to come to you. Now, I know for a long time you have been caught up in the morass of the world situation. Expect to see miracles happening there, as well. Expect to see other ones finding that they are truly able to change their lives.
I know the world has spoken that there are many who are suffering. You have projected that out because that has been old generational thinking of what you have been taught the world has to be. When it comes up for you — and it will — say, “No, that is not what I expect now. That is old generational thinking that I have subconsciously taken upon myself and expected to see, because the parents expected that.”
The brothers and sisters that you grew up with, your peers, this is what they have expected to see, as well. And so they see it. But you are moving into a new space, and the brothers and sisters that you interact with are also moving into a new space. Expect that they will move into a new space, because they truly are. They are waiting just for that little snap of the finger to make a change.
You may speak to them of the power of expecting the good. You have had a saying some decades ago. It even became a bumper sticker: Expect A Miracle. Well, take that as your motto every day. Expect a miracle. And you can be very specific about it if you want to. “I expect a miracle regarding the balance of the golden coins and the amount of work that I do. I expect a balance in my life.” And you will find that it will come, because you will be asking to see it, and it will happen because you expect it.
There is truly only One. You look out, and because you have been taught to see many, you see brothers and sisters. You project out this belief. But truly, you are the One expressing as the many, and that in itself is a miracle, that you can do such an expectation, that you are going to see hundreds, thousands or more individuals, seemingly individuals, upon the face of our holy Mother Earth.

But stop for a moment and ask yourself, “Where does that idea come from? Well, it comes from my belief that there are many people inhabiting the world. Maybe I can see this differently. Maybe there is only One of us. Maybe there is only the I, the We.” We; start working with the word We, because you are joined to all of the ones that you yet see because of the belief in the many.
So start working with “We.” We feel peace. We are happy. We are enlightened. And then you come to a place where you begin to understand that the mind is showing you many because you have been taught that there are many. But maybe it is all a projection of the One. Play with that idea for awhile and see how powerful you are.
I have spoken to you throughout the years about how powerful you are, how creative you are, how you create everything that is in your world, in your experience. You create everything. And if you create it, where does it start first? It starts with an idea in your mind. So you begin to expect that things are going to be different. Things are going to be easy. “I am going to have everything I need.”
You, as the One creative Mind that you are, will always take care of you. You can rely on that, even if you have to call on me and think that I will do miracles for you. I will, but it is truly your belief that does it. But if you want to call on me to do a few miracles for you, that is okay, too. I am happy to do that. It is easy.
Begin to understand your power. Begin to understand how Light you are, how Light everything in the world, in your world, can be as you project Light, as you feel Light. Physical lightness, yes; emotional lightness even more, and understanding that, “I expect to feel Light. I expect the brothers and sisters — as I still see the One expressing as the many — I expect to see them moving into Light.”
As you work with expectancy, as you work with changing belief, it is powerful. That is why I can say to you that in the next twelve to fifteen months you are going to be in a very different place. You are going to see your world in a very different dimension, because you are projecting what the world is.
Now, do not take, from what I have just said, guilt upon yourself and say, “People in other countries are suffering because it is my belief that they are suffering. I am guilty.” No, you are not. And they are not. In truth, they are not suffering. “Oh, my goodness, how can that be true. My news media tells me that there is chaos, there are uprisings, there is the military that is doing horrendous things. How can that be true?”

In truth, they are not suffering, except as how you believe they are suffering. What if you believed and expected that they are going to come to peace. It might happen; not only might happen, it will happen. It has to happen, because you are the extension—as we have said many times—of the one creative Principle. You create everything in your life. That is how powerful you are.
The mind cannot take that in. It can work with it, it can play with it, it can toss it around and find all sorts of objections to it. But when you work with the heart, with the feeling of the expectation, then you come to the truth. Work with loving everything that comes into your experience every day. Love it, thank it, and know that truly you have put it there as a gift.
I know many times separated ego has said, “Ha, big gift,” and has wondered, “What are you going to do with this gift?” But everything is a gift that has led you to this place now where you are ready to hear that there is truly only One expressing as the many, as there is yet that belief. And how you are changing that in your preparation for the shift is with expectancy and with love; expecting that things are going to be different; expecting that you are going to love everything in your life.
Wow, big order. It seems to be big, but you have already made great strides in moving into the space of saying, “I want to see the good in this. I am willing to see the good in this.” You have already made great progress. So when separated ego will speak to you that, “That’s too tall an order, I can’t do that, I can’t love everything and count everything as a blessing,” you just say back to separated ego, “Hey, I’ve been doing that. Where have you been? You didn’t notice. I’ve been moving into a space of great gratitude for everything I know that I am out-picturing.”
Work with loving everything that you see, everyone that you see. Work with, play with, experience loving yourself, because you are the one who is creating. You are the master, as we have spoken many times, and you have heard the words and you have said, “Oh, well, that sounds good, but how come I have all this manure in my life?” Well, it is because you want to grow, and so you do.
Work with gratitude for what you see in your life, and then bring that back home to yourself, to loving self, and say, “Hey, you know, I’ve really done a good job this lifetime. I’ve come through a lot of challenges, worldly challenges, and I’ve been able to see the good in it; maybe not right away, but later on I could see the good in it.” Because truly you have allowed healing in a lot of areas where at the time when you were in the middle of it you did not think there could be healing—relationships especially.

And so then you live in a place of gratitude. You live in a place of saying, “Wow, there must have been a divine plan. Hmm.” And then you move one step closer and you say, “I must have had an idea, a future self of me that was going to be able to look back on this and see the healing in it.” Because you have in every moment what you would understand as a concept, a future self.
Play with that for awhile. It is powerful. Play with being the future self of you. “What is the future self”—and it may be like the next day or the next year or ten years—“what is the future self of me going to be doing? Where am I going to be? What do I want to be doing? What can I create?”
That is powerful, and that is part of the preparation for the shift that you are bringing about. Loving self, being grateful for everything in your life, seeing everything as a miracle, being able to look forward to the future self and say, “Self, how do you see what I am going through now?”
Put it forward perhaps the twelve months. Where are you going to be in twelve months? Separated ego says, “Well, I don’t know.” Well, separated ego does not know. But the future self of you does know and does exist even in this moment, and you can access it by expecting to access it.
The understanding of expectancy transforms your life. It hastens the shift that has been prophesied. You believe in the prophecy and you know something big is going to happen because it has been prophesied by many, many people; therefore, it has to be true. Of course, the many, many people are projections of your belief, but it comes from the one divine Source of you that says, “It’s time. It’s time now to know the one Self, the one creative Energy, the One that is expressing yet as the many, the We of us.
“We are doing really well. We are bringing miracles into existence. Wow! Hey, you know, that’s really great. I can speak that to the friends. You know, we are really bringing about change”—and it is true. So you speak this to the friends. Some of them will understand and be happy about it. Other ones will say, “Hmm, that’s very strange.” But that is alright. You have created them in order to perhaps have a bit of feedback. And in time you are going to bring about only the ones who are in the same resonance with you, because your belief and your projection is going to show you only harmony.
You can feel that in the heart. The mind sometimes has a bit of a problem with it, but the heart knows. The heart feels love, Oneness. And then the heart instructs the mind to see things differently.
Those of you reading this have asked that you be the pivotal teachers, the ones who know that you are projecting that which you see in your life. It is what you expect to see. You are the ones who have agreed that you are going to take that power and you are going to spread it as seeds among the seeming many, and you are going to love them, because you have created them to be in your life.
You are going to say, “Wow.” Maybe not out loud. “I have created you. I see you as an extension of life. I see you with a body. I see you going through experiences of life. I am creating you moment by moment. In truth, there is no separation, and you really do not exist except as I see and expect you to exist.”
And that does not then cancel out their value. It only brings the belief system back to its origin, back to the one Mind that projects out. In Truth, you as individuals do not exist, except as there is belief in your mind that the other ones exist. So if you are creating them—and I say unto you truly, you are—then make them the way you want them to be. Make them as friends—happy, joyful, wanting to do things with you in a harmonious way to bring about peace, to bring about enlightenment in the world.
If, in Truth, the other ones do not exist except as you bring them into your reality – lower case “r” – then make them the beautiful beings that truly the extension of the one creative Principle would dictate that they are.  Hear that well. Go back and read that again. It went over the head, but it is true. You are creating everything you experience; you have heard that before.
You are creating all of the friends and not-so-friends in your life. In truth, they only exist as you believe them to exist; therefore, you can see them differently. You can expect to see them differently. Now, that takes a bit of playing with, until you practice, practice, practice. But it does not take too much practice before the penny drops in the slot, and you say, “Oh, okay, I understand; I get a glimpse of that. Okay, and that means then that I can expect to see harmony in my world, even love.” And you will.

Love is all around you all the time. It is what you truly are—love incarnate, expressing. And as you understand that about yourself, you begin to feel differently about yourself. You begin to know that truly it is the power of love that dictates to the mind what you are going to expect to see, and things change rapidly.
That is why I can make the prediction that within the next twelve to fifteen months you are going to see big changes. You are going to see big changes, because you are going to expect to see big changes. It has been prophesied. A master has spoken to you that it is going to happen; many masters, in truth. And you are going to project out the belief that changes are going to happen. And what will you see? Changes. The changes that you have prayed for many lifetimes.
Now you have moved to the place where you are willing to see changes. Other lifetimes you expected to live the human life with all of its challenges because you wanted to play in the sandbox; you wanted to know what that particular sandbox felt like. What color was the sand? Was it heavy, was it light, was it gray, was it pink, was it green sand? What happened when you threw it up in the air? Did it come back down on top of you, or did it fly away somewhere? You wanted to know the different sandboxes.

But in the back of your knowing, even in what you understand other lifetimes to be, there was a knowing, a hope that you would come to a place of understanding that the sandbox was just a sandbox, just a place to play; no judgment, but just a place to be creative. And so you have been very creative. And now you can look back and you can bless every creation.
Expect a miracle. Expect to change your mind. Expect to feel differently about yourself. Expect to take on the power of changing your beliefs, and then look for the miracles, because they will be there—little ones and big ones. And that which you have thought to be difficult will find an ease in manifesting the answer. It will flow.
Change your thoughts and you change your reality. It is as easy as that. Change your expectancy and you change your reality—lower case “r”. And the power for changing your reality—lower case “r”—comes from the Reality of the capital “R” because you are the extension of the one creative Principle. You are energy. You are Intelligence. You are the divine flow of Beingness from before time began.
You are the creators of time. And after the purpose of time has been fulfilled, and that may happen in the next twelve to fifteen months, you are always going to be that which you are right now—the one divine Self, the extension of the one divine Source. So if you are that—and I guarantee that you are—why not be happy? Expect to be happy, and you will be.
Understand the power of your creativity. Begin to grasp it. Begin to understand the one Mind that you are.
Do not take guilt, because nothing is judged; nothing is judged. Everything serves the realization of at-One-ment. Everything brings you to the place where you are right now, where you have grasped a new idea, an understanding of how powerful you are.
Expect to see me. Play with that one for awhile. Expect to see me in the light body, as a physical body glowing. Feel me. I will take your hand. Feel my hand taking yours. Reach out right now and feel my hand taking your hand. Feel the energy. Know that always that which I am, you are.
So be it.
- Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)
in expression through Judith
Copyright © 2011 Oakbridge University. Oakbridge material is copyrighted but free to anyone who wants to use it as long as proper credit is listed, including our website address

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Vibrational Frequency and Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

Your vibrational frequency is what determines your ability to access and experience fifth-dimensional timelines where unconditional love, limitless abundance, radiant health and boundless creativity are the norm.

There are many different means by which one can raise their vibration. These include diet, exercise, belief system adjustments, meditation, intention, stilling your mind and focusing on unconditional love. Anything you do that liberates you from being overly-enmeshed in physical reality will help you expand your consciousness into higher-dimensional realities.

Higher vs. Lower-Vibrational Frequencies

You might be walking down the same street, dressed the same way and by all outer appearances virtually the same, but varying rates of vibration will give you a very different experience of an identical set of outer circumstances.

At a lower-vibrational frequency, you might be seething with anger that the light for the crosswalk changed as you approached the intersection. Your anger might trigger memories of other instances when things didn’t go your way and soon you are feeling the whole world is against you. By the time the light changes, you are so worked up you stumble and land face-first on the concrete, breaking a tooth. Now, in pain, you call your dentist for an emergency appointment only to discover he is on vacation. All of this now reaffirms your feeling that you are a hapless victim in a dark and unkind world.

At a higher frequency, you might use the extra time spent waiting at the curb for the light to change to ponder the beauty of the day. An idea for a poem or painting might filter into your mind. You might be inspired to go for a walk in the park to commune in nature with your new inspiration. While at the park, you see a dear friend you haven’t seen in awhile (but were just thinking of earlier). You agree to meet later for dinner at a favorite hangout where a performer you enjoy is playing relaxing acoustical music. All of this reaffirms your belief in the amazing magic and synchronicity of the universe.

The choice here might seem obvious and yet people who know better allow themselves to be hooked into lower-vibrational realities all the time.

The Final Exam – Breaking Free of the ‘Rubber Band’ Effect

It is important to hold in mind that the steps you take to raise your vibration are only part of the equation. Once you make an energetic shift, you will need to stand strong as residual energies continue to spin out old realities for a time. This provides a test of sorts - a final exam. If you are truly ready to exist at the higher-vibrational frequency, you will be transparent to these old energies spinning out. If, however, any part of you is in doubt, you may be drawn back in by old circumstances rearing their head. This “rubber band” effect snaps you back to lower frequencies.

Part of what determines your susceptibility to old energies is your motivation for upgrading your vibration in the first place. If you are making changes from a pure desire to follow guidance and inspiration and serve others, you will be far less affected by these old energies still spinning out. When you are committed to following guidance regardless of what advantages and personal benefits you receive from it, you are more likely to be indifferent to whatever circumstances you encounter. Remaining transparent to the vicissitudes of physical reality will help you realize that old energies are spinning out due to “lag-time” – the time it takes for new manifestations to arrive in physical reality.

If your motivations are tethered to expectations you hold about the outcome of the changes you are making, this can be your downfall. Having expectations can make you more susceptible to being pulled back into an old feeling state when you fail to see your expectations and conditions met. When you make a great deal of change and see old realities still cycling around, disappointment can hook you back into these old situations. The worst that can happen in this situation is that you lapse into self-judgment for a seeming failure to break free of old energies despite your best efforts. Self-judgment is akin to condemning yourself to the worst that can happen because it opens your energy field to all sorts of negative events. If you find yourself lapsing into self-judgment for any reason, quickly issue yourself an unconditional pardon. Your own forgiveness will lift you up into higher frequencies.

Shifting to a ‘Giving’ rather than ‘Getting’ Perspective

By shifting your emphasis from an attitude of "me and what I'm getting" to one of "the universe and what I'm giving", you'll be less shaken by old realities that appear before you. As you step free of expectations, self-judgment and victim consciousness, you pass the final hurdle to raising your vibrational frequency.

Once you make a complete shift, you are far less likely to be pulled back into old energies. An infinite, empowered and spiritually connected being will “see through” whatever appears before them, knowing it is just the past evaporating as it releases from their energy field. They are far less invested in what happens on the surface of reality because they exist on frequencies of bliss where everything that happens radiates divine perfection.

Seeing the World through the Eyes of your Higher Self

Many lightworkers have this understanding and are here this time around to take a leap of faith and stand strong within themselves. Having the courage to see the world through the eyes of one’s higher self makes one impervious to circumstances they observe in the world.

We're not talking about indifference to the suffering of others. At a high-vibrational frequency, it is more obvious that one cannot assist others by allowing themselves but to be pulled down into the abyss. Instead, by standing in a place of observing “what is” without reacting to it, you are empowered to hold a loving space for others who are still struggling. This is the way the world is transformed to a higher frequency: for each person to hold a high vision and serve as a beacon for others.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness by DL Zeta

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Uriel’s Message – Live Your Mastery

You enter the world as a master, with the knowledge and understanding that are required to fulfill your life purpose of healing and ascension. The struggles you experience during each lifetime arise because the earth challenges your mastery and fear reminds you of the powerlessness that is one of many options available to you. Sometimes you must experience fear and powerlessness as part of your soul lessons in a lifetime and you deliberately choose this so you can be reminded of your mastery.

Each human incarnation is made at a specific energetic frequency that you can transform with your mastery. But there is a challenge inherent in this process, which comes when you become that frequency to experience its effects. Then you forget your mastery and become a victim of the frequency you came to transform. This is why many of you stay within your soul groups for multiple lifetimes, you learn the same lessons and while you know there are different paths available to you, cannot achieve them. You are experiencing life as a victim of what you have come to transform.

There is no life situation you cannot master because you possess the mastery to transform your energetic experience of life. You cannot be a victim of life because you are its master. You cannot be a victim of fear because you are a master of the light. You cannot be powerless because you are a master of power. But your mastery will remain hidden by your humanity until you bring it to the forefront. It is already yours and you will experience life through your mastery when you remember that your path is one of transformation that can be experienced in many different ways.

Ascension is an evolving flow of energy from lower to higher frequencies and as masters you understand this movement and know that you choose different levels of vibration for their transformation because you already have the mastery necessary for their transformation. But whether you become their victim or their master depends on whether you can remember your life purpose of transformation. This is your purpose and that of all of humanity. Each thing you experience is something you have come to transform. So live through your mastery, choose power over fear and light over darkness then you can live your life through your mastery and create heaven on earth. 

Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author and  channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel. Jennifer’s intuitive abilities go beyond psychic and into the realm of soul level communication, accessing a client’s soul’s desire for peace, joy and unconditional love. She is able to view the soul’s lifetime purpose, identify the soul contract, describe blocks, karmic imprints, negative patterning, messages and images and facilitate the ascension into the miracle vibration, where life becomes an effortless flow of joy and fulfillment. Her ability to view the dynamics of the soul’s journey allows her clients insights into how to achieve their highest possible vibration, miracle mastery. Everything that stands in the way of this goal can be transformed with willingness to change one’s life story from victim consciousness to spiritual mastery.

In her readings, Jennifer works with the Archangel Uriel, angels, guides and departed loved ones to help her clients gain clarity about  their life purpose. Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.

Article Copyright © 2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc.. All rights reserved.

Copyright (c) 2004-2011 by Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.You may reprint these articles in their entirety as long as you include author and website mention. Violation of this policy will be prospecuted under US and international copyright law.


Balance, the Power of Intention and Fifth-Dimensional Timelines
“Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid” –Basil King

The above quote is quite true in that there are great forces in the universe that seem to either work on our behalf or work against us. These same forces bring us greater access to timelines aligned with our highest visions or they dump us onto reality threads where we experience many obstacles and roadblocks.

We choose our Relationship with Natural Laws

While it may seem at times that we are at the mercy of these forces, we are actually the ones who determine our relationship with them. It is our choice whether we work with the forces of natural, universal laws or against them. And the good news is if we have been in an antagonistic relationship with the forces of nature, we can change this in the blink of an eye and shift our destiny to a fifth-dimensional timeline.
Natural laws bring divine order to the workings of our world. As we align more fully with these laws, we're able to lead a kinder, gentler existence free of the suffering and drama triggered when we swim against the flow through resistance.

When we work with natural laws, we live in harmony and balance both in our inner and outer worlds. With harmony and balance, our actions are disciplined in accordance with our spiritual purpose. Through our highest intentions, we naturally flow along timelines where life unfolds easily and effortlessly. We are not as susceptible to the sudden downturns and unexpected shortfalls that are hallmarks of a life spent in disharmony with natural law.

The Law of Balance seeks Proper Perspective and Inner Calm

One of the most important natural laws is the Law of Balance. We fall out of balance when lose our higher perspective and lapse into negative habits and limiting behaviors. Criticism, judgment, exaggeration, dependency relationships, unrealistic expectations (of ourselves and others), contempt, vanity, comparing one’s self to others, aversion, jealousy, guilt, regret, greed, obsessive behaviors, addiction, narcissism -- all of these hold the power to pull us out of balance and set us squarely onto timelines of suffering and struggle. Whenever we allow anything or anyone to pull us out of our calm, clear center, we open ourselves to suffering in all its many forms.
Struggle Manifests the Opposite of what we choose

When we criticize something, we fight against it and, in doing so, we pull it more deeply into our reality. If we try to manipulate and force a manifestation, it is pretty certain we will not realize our desire. If we judge others, we may soon be experiencing a similar reality so we can gain needed understandings. All lower motivations are driven by the desire to build one’s self up. This says to the universe you do not like who you are and you aren’t worthy of what you seek to manifest. It says you know deep down you aren’t living in harmony with your higher purpose and you know the natural laws will not assist you so you must win by lower means. This is when the Law of Balance steps in to bring you what you truly feel you deserve, which is usually just the opposite of what you seek.
The workings we describe are very obvious with relationships. You fall out of balance when you seek to possess the object of your affection. When you seek to love for the sake of loving and without expectation of being loved in return, you live in a state of love that is in harmony with the Law of Balance. When you seek to be loved and possess that which you love, you create a vacuum that tends to repel those things you desire.

When you take advantage of others, when you abuse those who are helpless, when you abuse animals and damage the environment, you create imbalances that trigger the balancing actions of natural laws. By contrast, when you move through life with the intention to harm none – when you move through life with love and compassion in your heart, blessing all you see, you are transparent to triggers for balancing forces within the universe.

The Power of Intention and Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

At the root of what we describe is a denial of the true nature of your being. You are an infinite and divine being that needs no build up. You already contain everything you might seek so there is no need for striving. When you exist on the frequency of unconditional love, others are naturally drawn to you so there is no need to pursue or possess others.
When you are in harmony with natural laws, the forces of nature work with you. Synchronicity greets you at every turn.
To exist in a state of love, balance and harmony, simply set your intention to do so. Your intentions act as powerful filters determining your realities and the course of your destiny.
If you feel yourself lapse into old ways of being and discover barriers in your path, simply stop, slow down and align yourself with the natural forces of the universe. With intention and awareness, these great forces will carry you with ease and grace into the next dimension.

By DL Zeta
For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more information, visit

Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

Words, like seeds have  a great creative power.  When we speak we are giving life to what we are saying, planting a seed.  We are going to get exactly what we are speaking.  We are who we are today because of the words we have spoken in the past.  All of our words will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Listen to what you say about yourself.  Negative thoughts don’t need to become negative words.  The moment you speak something outright it takes on a whole new meaning and a whole new energy.  If you don’t like what you’re experiencing start changing your words.
We prophesize the future by the words we speak in the now.  Our words are always a self fulfilling prophecy.  Don’t plant negative seeds – only prophesize the good and the intention of good.  You can cancel out the Universe’s best laid plans by your own negative words and negative musings.  Death and life are the power of your words.  You will have what you say.  Your words are going to give life to exactly what you’re saying.

It’s better to say nothing than to say something negative. 
Negative words cancel out God’s plan you’re cursing your future
 – you’re cursing your life with your every thought and words.  You can use your words to curse your life or you can use your words to bless your life.  Speak words of faith; declare God’s favor in your light and in your heart.  Change the atmosphere of everywhere you go with your words – call in good, call in light, call in love and call in divine help.
Don’t talk about problems, talk about solutions.  We are not reporters of our life but we are forecasters of our life.  We should call to the invisible as if it already were visible.  Call in to that which you desire, call it with faith filled words, call it with light.  Change your world by changing your words.  Death and life is in the power of your tongue.  Are you birthing or are you destroying?
Circumstances line up with every word you speak
 – your words are a self-fulfilling prophecy. are the creator of your own circumstances.  What you have created by your words you can change.  When we act negatively to sudden changes and chaos in our life we are delaying the purpose of their creation.  If we accept chaos as an opportunity for spiritual elevation then the pain will disappear.  We alone determine the rate of which turmoil passes.  There are countless futures which exist at the same time.  Our own behavior determines which universe we enter in to.  Prophecy is seeing the future in our present actions.

Attracting Love into Your Life

As you move forward along your journey that brings forth unforgettable challenges you will go through many death and rebirths. You go through a moment or two of confusion, you figure things out, you heal, you gain deep insights and you begin to grow and discover a newness – a rebirth of you, letting go of some old outdated ways in order to make room for more light and love filled ways of being and doing that allows you to demonstrate the pure love that is always shining outwardly from your beautiful and divine heart.
Your evolution, your growth is not to just become better each waking day, it is to learn through the stages that will awaken and grow your consciousness into higher dimensions. As you grow and evolve through the symbolic events that are personal to each of you, the knowledge gained is not based on what is predictable, but from all that you have encountered; the good and the bad, a balance that has the capability to direct you farther and to propel your driven nature to be more than just better, to become the Master you were always meant to be of yourself.

During many challenging moments you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed by grief, stagnant, even hopeless, and often a feeling of confusion; your questions not being answered no matter how hard you look. These are processing stages dear ones and there are many others that each of you enter and must enter in order to move forward. There is no time on how long you must stay at every stage or process. That depends on you. We of the Divine see many dear souls become very frustrated during these phases. They forget it is at these times when they must hold onto their faith, in themselves and in God. God already knows you can succeed; it is you that must believe this, heart and soul. Jesus has taught you, your journey was going to be tough but it would be worth it as you reach Oneness with yourself, the Divine Trinity and the Universe.

Once you begin to pull yourself out of the stage where you felt you were going in circles, you find areas in your life has changed, however slight there is change and it is this change that brings you forward once again. Don’t look at what others are doing and monitor your own progressions by their movements. Each of you will progress as you are meant to. Watching someone else move ahead can be discouraging. Focus on your growth with the pure intent that is based on unconditional love and you also will move ahead. There will be times when the ones you have been watching find themselves at a standstill and you will move forward. There is no race dear ones, no competition lives within the heart that is reaching Oneness, there is a heartbeat of unity with all that is.

Every time you do leave behind a stagnant moment you are always re-entering newer, and reborn. Death does not always come when your physical body expires; death comes when you have moved on and let go the heavy burdens of past experiences, old teachings, aged ways of being in exchange for new light filled gifts of Hope, Faith, Love, new experiences, new love filled teachings, and so much more. There are some dear souls that when they realize they have rebirthed themselves, they go through a little ceremony, paying respect to what they are leaving behind, and welcoming in the new. This is a matter of choice, how each of you close one chapter to begin the next is very personal and no one’s way is better than another’s.

All transformational stages can bring discomfort. A feeling of a need to push against another force that is not quite ready is often felt. It is not a painful discomfort dear ones, just a settling of energy that is preparing your entire being; mind, body, heart and spirit for what is coming next. There is no predetermined length of time for any transformation; all is individual – depending on where you are on your path and where you are planning to go. Once the discomfort of upcoming developments have disappeared many dear souls find themselves suddenly angry when once were calm and peaceful. The renewal of your inner strength and power can be quite unsettling. The energy taking hold is supporting the changes that are fast approaching and when you surrender to the process of your own rebirth then the tension dissipates and knowledge begins to trickle in slowly at first and with readiness all that had just transpired becomes known. Sometimes dear ones the information you wish to learn brought on from the transformation experience can take several days or longer to be understood. Do not fret. Let it come and enjoy the process of your becoming.

You do live in a world that is often imbalanced. Through the imbalanced of those around you in the community on a global scale understand dear ones, your inner feelings; your energy has an impact on others. You do not need to speak to anyone else for your energy to be felt. During any transformation you undergo, we urge you to be aware of your energy, your emotions and feelings. Yes, they are yours and you are responsible for the energy you put out into the world. When you are feeling alone and uncertain; find a way to channel your feelings, your frustrations, anger or anxieties that is healthy and non-combative.

It is recommended to practice positive self-talk and self-care. Love yourself. When you catch yourself arguing with yourself, like many do reply with I AM affirmations, remind yourself God loves you and God is with you. Seek my love, guidance and support when despair tries to sink into your heart. I will stand with you, guide you to loving solutions that will direct you back to the Light and Love of God. Every instance gives opportunity to make choices dear ones, especially during the most trying of times. Learn to shift your concentration on the more positive side of things and apply doing what will bring you closer to what you are aiming to achieve. From learning to discipline your never-ending thinking mind you become more focused on each task that excites you. You learn to take control of the negative side and find yourself becoming less overwhelmed and more balanced once again.

Part of the inner balance dear ones is taking notice when you become outrageously positive, and less authentic. This usually happens when someone is trying to fit in, they may say things or do things out of character. There are some dear souls that can see through such veneer. This being inauthentic is not a way that a person can carry for too long before they become even more doubtful and often find themselves in denial of their own words. Balance is key dear ones. By taking a good honest look at what you are feeling, why you are behaving a particular way provides you with the opportunity to learn and make the necessary corrections to bring yourself back into perfect alignment with all of your SELF.

After your rebirth, no matter how many times you have transformed you find yourself sitting in the middle of the scale – balancing out any excesses that may be lingering. From the middle, you can clearly exercise the power of your SELF that has no fear and understands all is eternal. You do need to allow all excess, any lingering residue of discord to come and go without being distracted by any negative force it may be attached to and never for a moment forgetting who you are.

Your journey will bring you to other people, you will discover many dear souls that you feel a deep and profound connection, possibly a past life brother, a sister from another time; a bond you will find instant. Your connections all have reason and purpose. Some of these soul connections do not last long, but they come with valuable insight for your own path and journey. It is through these relationships where trust is formed and given that you share your deepest feelings, your experiences with others that are genuinely interested. These relationships help aid and validate your own expanding truths. These people who you begin to build a relationship with may not live within the same place of residence, you connection is through your heart and you find ways to communicate. Support and love is built through these soul groups and through them further, deeper understanding of yourself often takes place. When your journey brings you to such individuals, look at these relationships you are building as evidence that you truly are not alone.

Through many opportunities given to you over a period of time, you do awaken to your soul and divine mission. Sometimes this journey you are on will take unexpected turns, but each path you embark will assuredly bring you to more information that will becomes stored for future use. The knowledge you will gain is immeasurable. It will feel as if the world has suddenly opened its knowledge for you to come and explore its many treasures and delights. Understand dear ones, your soul mission will always be within areas where you find the greatest comfort, where your honed and mastered talents can be applied and where you feel HOME.

Be patient dear ones. We are aware of many who have not yet discovered their divine purpose or maybe only part of it. Know dear ones that each of you will achieve all that you are meant to. Embrace where you are right now, you are not lacking for anything because all you have and need is already with you. And what you have cannot be bought, but it is freely given and that is love. And with love there is hope, followed by faith and kindness towards yourself and all others.

Love and respect each other. There is much to gain when you are able to work together. Your comprehension of universal loves becomes deeper after each death/rebirth process. Take the time if you can dear ones to feel each and every energy particle move and change no matter how subtle. Rejoice knowing your becoming is of your own construction and what we see is breathtaking.

I AM Ascended Master Serapis Bey through Julie Miller

Monday, January 31, 2011

Your Vibrational Reality and The Amazing Natural Tool of Your Imagination

Co-creating the frequency of your desire with ease, joy, electromagnetic light and love.

If you take a moment to look around you, if you are at home – you will notice many different things. Some things you like a lot – some you like a little – There are even some manifestations you’re not sure how you quite acquired and so on.

If you are at work – your office, reading this on your cell phone – the above thought can still remain the same – simply because you have manifested everything in your reality. From the chair that you’re sitting on, to the interaction with the ‘stranger’ at the grocery store earlier, to that promotion that you’re finally going to get.  This is because everything has already been manifested - you are simply picking and choosing from the infinite number of reality probabilities to experience - every second and every moment  of this existence.

 Now: Realise and always Re-member that NOTHING just ‘happens’. Instead ALL  instances have been ‘CREATED’.

You are creating a vibrational frequency all day every day. You often hear that your vibrational frequency is affected by your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. We’d like to add to that. Your vibrational reality is created by your definitions, beliefs/thoughts, emotions, imagination, and the perceived external frequencies that you observe (i.e. Television, Newspapers, ‘Others’).


 Now: First off – it is important to establish some definitions – for this is the very skeleton of your reality. Hu-mans often forgets that it is their divine right to define any situation, any prop, any symbol as he/she sees fit! This is why we encourage you to define all circumstances in a positive light – that way the RESULT that you get out of that situation will always be positive. A higher vibration.

SCENERIO: Michael had been house hunting for about 4 months. During the 5th month he thought that he had secured a deal. The house poperty was wonderful and the neighbourhood was pleasant. Schools were near and convenient for his two children to attend and stores were right around the corner from his hopeful house.   However, just as he was ready to make the deal, his real estate agent went on holiday for a week.  When the agent returned, the house was sold by another real estate agent who didn’t know that Michael was looking at that property. There are two timelines that Michael could’ve vibrated to, as a result of this instance.

Lower Vibration ­– Michael harped on this ‘loss’ and decided that he will never find a better house. And so it was – because deciding is creating. Energetically speaking the molecules of All That Is, as a result of Michae's resistant thinking out of the vibration of frustration and victim consciousness, would've slowed down thus narrowing Michael's field of perception.
Higher Vibration –Michael re-membered that he creates all aspect of his reality and therefore there MUST be reason for this to occur. He remembered that all is energy. He remembered that at any moment a shift to the positive can take place – because after all, all sentient beings are supported by the Universe / All That Is.  He remembered that nothing ‘happens’ arbitrarily, and that this was his creation. Instead of wondering through the frequency of victim consciousness ‘why did I create this – how did I go wrong’, he didn’t even BEGIN to ‘retrace his steps’ on where he went wrong. Instead he saw this as an opportunity to look for an even GREATER house. He decided that he WILL find a better house, in a better location, at a better price and near a better school. And so it was – because deciding is creating.

Deciding is creating.
Hoping is creating.

Believing is creating.
Doubting is creating a belief in something that does not serve you.

We urge you to not take the ART of definition lightly. It is a key to manifestation. This is a pivot to alchemy; that is changing the energy of you (we could say ‘around you – but really – all the energy around you is you). Define scenarios, symbols, roles of people – remember it’s all your creation – it’s all you! It’s like being in a room full of mirrors.
Room Full Of Selves
Now: Our DEFINITION of a belief is: A thought that one repeatedly thinks (and thus defines as real)

Beliefs are affirmations. This is why so often it is recommended to repeat affirmations – even if you don’t believe them at first! ALL THOUGHTS ARE BELIEFS. There are big beliefs and small beliefs – but they all affect your vibrational frequency that you are projecting. This is a fuel of alchemy.

 If you see something you don’t prefer – affirm what you do prefer to your angels, guides and most of all your Self.

I hope I have enough money next month – I’ve got a lot of bills to pay. Yuck. What an energetic drain. That belief/thought/affirmation can be transmuted to
I am a money magnet.
My needs are always met.
I stand in a place of abundance, today and forever.

Sure – saying these a couple of times may not do much. But you WILL yield the experience you desire by writing it down repeatedly, repeating it out loud, to yourself whilst in the store, in meditation –
 With emotion! With intent! With conviction! With purpose! With enjoyment! As we have alluded to earlier, this is EXACTLY the same way that you pick up limiting beliefs from Television & newspapers = via repeated impressions. The repeated thoughts of others. Empower yourself! Project that which you wish to be by projecting out the energy you wish to see reflected back to you. Remember – it’s a Universal Law – you get what you put out.
Your imagination is, like you, unlimited. It is your connection to source. Through your beliefs you paint pictures of what you think is likely to happen. Often, for those who have forgotten that they actually create their reality – much of their imagination is spent ‘worrying’, and imaginating worse case scenarios. All worrying does is create resistance and dis-ease.

We love to use the Radio vs. Static analogy. Your mind/imagination is a radio tuner. You tune to the station that you want by projecting out pictures of hope and inspiration. Children do this quite often – until they are learned out of it.

Projecting Thoughts
Now, see your imagination/mind as a radio. If you were to turn on a radio, you’ll want to get the clearest reception possible. However, if you keep turning the dial you’re bound to get static. You’ve got to settle on the chosen station.
This is true for how you create your reality. You’ve got to tune into the reality that you desire to see – for, like the radio station in the radio that's already there just waiting to be 'tuned in' – the reality is already within you. Now, if you muddle up the reception by constantly ‘changing the channel’ with worry and doubt, that’s going to create ‘static’ or ‘resistance’ to the reality of your desire.  Simple enough? Great.
Enclosing, remember ALL IS ENERGY.

What you perceive is a vibrational match for what you have put out.

You can tune into the reality that you desire by fine tuning your frequency.

How to do this? Be Mind-Full of your beliefs. Look around – look at what you’ve manifested and how you’ve manifested it.  Build on what empowers you, release that which does not.
 And finally – utilize the god force that you are with the power of your imagination. Make it FUN!

Mind's EyeHeart ChakraSolar Plexus
The Imagination & Tools For Co-Creation
Imagine it with your Mind's Eye.
Emotionalize it with your Heart chakra.
 Will it with your chakra of intention (solar plexus)

Early man found it, at times, easier to adapt to their perceived ‘exterior’ surroundings. With the use of ‘ghost images’ that they would send out to the Universe via their imagination – they would ‘prepare’ for what’s to come.
 They would send out a thought form of a certain frequency. This is how man works now actually – however with the (sometimes over) abundance of external stimuli – one often finds it somewhat ‘overwhelming’ and gets, in a sense. “lost in the illusion”.

 We wish to share this tool of co-creation for responding to your external surroundings. This is improving your response-ability, that is, the ability to respond. When you see something in your reality that you wish to experience more of – or that you wish to keep an actively strong vibration of it about you – imagine a beam of light (the colour will be decided upon by your imagination) going from your stomach (your chakra of intention is located here) from that item of desire. Imagine another beam of light coming FROM this item and entering into your mind’s eye (between your eyebrow) illuminating your physical vessel completely – starting with the head and expanding through your upper body, torso and legs.  Emotionalize it with really FEELING what it would be like to experience what it is that you are now focused upon.

Now: Now that you have infused your being with this energy (maybe it’s a car, perhaps a billboard that explains what it is you’d like to experience, perhaps a scene you’d like to experience) – construct a mental image that represents this frequency that you’ve just experienced. This ‘picture’ will be registered by your Inner-Being as a frequency that you’d like to expand upon for your Earthly experience.

 Be sure that the INTENTION is for the highest good of all and for the experience of joy.
 Imagine it with your Mind's Eye.
Emotionalize it with your Heart chakra.
 Will it with your chakra of intention (solar plexus)
You may wish to visualize another beam going from your heart chakra to the item of focus. You may also wish to visualize beams of light coming to and from the item of focus to and from your Mind's Eye, Heart and Solar Plexus chakra. Modify this technique as you see fit for it is YOUR imagination that will give you the best frequency.
This helps your focus of desires.  By doing this you are giving your Inner Being the IMPRESSIONS of what it is you’d like to expand on. This, while simple, is a powerful tool for co-creating with the Universe in it's infinite amount of ways of support.

See your imagination as your CONNECTOR to the greater part of you that exists in and as All That Is, for that is what it is.

Happy Creating!

Greatest Blessings
~Proteus Michael Kemo