Saturday, September 29, 2012

Live Where You Are / Love Where You Are

The presence of your physical body in each moment is in perfect alignment with your healing path, the destiny you have created for your life, the soul intention for this lifetime, your karmic history and life purpose. Within each moment there is a specific energetic vibration you resonate with and it is in harmony with your place in the world. This is where you live; it is your experience of life, where the path you are on meets the journey that is your lifetime and when you are not fully in your life in this moment and place, you are not living.
As your awareness of alternate paths, dimensions, realities and even universes is awakened, you have opportunities to experience many different life paths. This is a shift that can happen within a moment but you cannot live with the expectation that this can and will happen, denying yourself the joy and peace you believe is available to you at higher dimensions or vibrations. There is joy and peace at every level of awareness and if your awareness is in a different time or place, you are no longer grounded in your self, your life, your experiences and your path.
Within each moment is a perfect experience that holds the answer to every question, the completion of every lesson, the fulfillment of each dream. If you long for the future while cursing the life you have in the present moment you are not in touch with your power. While you may feel powerless in a situation, the power you need is there for you but you are not connected to it because you feel it is somewhere else. A situation does not rob your of your power; you give your power away to the people, circumstances, situations and events that make you feel powerless. To reclaim your life and begin living again you must reclaim your power and live where you are in each moment.
The purpose of your life is to remember who you are and that is part of each moment. Your divinity, soul essence and light are always part of you, no matter what circumstances you are facing. Each moment is a powerful one, if you live where you are. Remember that life is occurring within and all around you in each moment. Your life is not in the future, some other dimension or at a different vibration. It is happening as you created it, in the right place and at the right time. Anything can be transformed when you remember to step forward from the place where live, which is where you are right now and set your intention for each thing you wish for in this moment, which helps create it in the next.


Within the polarity that is your life in the third dimension each person and situation is judged as loving or hateful, with different opinions about the value of the blessings and you love or dislike this situation based on these opinions. This is an aspect of the third dimensional polarity which you believe gives you control over your reality, by limiting the presence of what you dislike and encouraging the creation of those things you love and are blessed with and by. Yet this is your  greatest limitation to experiencing the fullness of your life and love.
The ability to love depends on your willingness to release judgment, to love all things where you are and to refrain from stepping into the energy of polarity and deciding whether you can love them or not based on your emotions. For the emotions are also energies of the third dimension which allow you to judge love and to limit how you love. When you love unconditionally you have love for all things, without judgment. That is easy to do with those things that bring you joy and less easy to do with life's more challenging aspects.
Yet if you love as your Creator loves you, you will learn to love where you are, in each moment, and to remember that as you love each moment your love is expanded into the next. If you cannot love this moment then you limit the love that is available to you in both the present moment and the next. Can you love the path that you have created, for it is all your creation. You are a co-creator with the Universe of the things you love and dislike, of the fears, doubts and confusion, as well as the joy, peace and blessings. They are all your creation and are all deserving of your love.
Each moment in time is a single breath in the continuum that is your lifetime and is no different in terms of potential than any other moment. It is your willingness to love where you are, in each moment, that connects you with the highest or lowest vibration present in each moment. The vibrational potential of the next moment resides within this one. When you love where you are, in each moment, you are creating from each moment's highest potential and creating a vibration of love that expands the potential of your life to its highest energetic vibration. Love where you are for this is where love resides, not in the future or the past, but in the moment which you are blessed or challenged to love.

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